Entrepreneurship: A Tale of Two Stories

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The highs are high and the lows are low when running a business.

Sometimes you’re on cloud 9, other times you’re six feet under.

Here are stories from the rough and beautiful sides of entrepreneurship.

The Rough Side of Entrepreneurship

Imagine this:

You "finish" up work for the day.

Then you get an urgent call at 9pm and have to go into the office.

You put your kids to bed and say goodbye to your spouse.

There's another major issue you need to fix at your business.

You work until 2am and then head home. The problem isn't completely solved, but the rest can wait until 8am.

You wake up in the morning, stressed about the following:

- The fire you semi-extinguished last night

- You don't know if you're going to hit payroll next week

- You don't know if you can pull enough cash out of the business to pay for your kid's private school

On top of that:

- You have an underperforming employee that you need to fire

- Everyone brings you more problems instead of solving them

- Your partner has been begging you to go on vacation for months, but you literally cannot leave the business right now

Your mind is preoccupied by a million things when you get into work.

You ask Sally to come into your office and you give her the news.

She starts yelling in your face, then panics when she realizes she won't have any money to support her family.

Little does she know, you're worried about the same thing.


That’s life for countless business owners. Barely scraping by each week. Inside those businesses, there are major problems not being fixed.

This is what it can look like when you fix those problems.

The Beautiful Side of Entrepreneurship

Imagine this:

It's the end of February, and your company had it's best month in history.

This year is off to a hot start. $700,000 in revenue and $210,000 in profit.

You decide to pull $100,000 out of the business this month and buy a second home in Florida.

Back at work, you just hired a rockstar senior employee.

You can trust Sally with everything, she solves problems on her own, and drastically reduces your workload.

Your business is running like a well-oiled machine.

You decide to take your family on a vacation. Croatia this time.

You have complete confidence in your team that the company will run smoothly when you're gone.

While on vacation, you call your COO twice to check in.

The company is operating like clockwork, printing cash while you're on the beach.

You're so content with your life and you wouldn't change a thing.


There are many entrepreneurs that live this way too. Albeit far fewer. This lifestyle is possible, but incredibly difficult to attain.

If you’re reading this newsletter and run a business, your life is probably somewhere in the middle.

To get to the beautiful side, there’s a lot to accomplish. Here’s a list of things to start with:

And whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $518,201 annual revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need.


Collin Rutherford