📈 10 Must-Read Tips for Starting a Business

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1. Pick the right business.

Before you start spending time and resources on your business, make sure people actually need what you’re offering.

If there is sufficient demand, it will feel like you’re being chased down a mountain by a boulder. If there’s a lack of demand, it will feel like you’re pushing a boulder up a mountain.

I provide detail about how to measure demand in this newsletter.

2. Get your mind right.

You must the right mindset or you will be doomed from the start. You have to not give a shit what others think.

You will have family, friends, and other people that will talk about you, doubt you, and wait for you to fail. Don’t spend any time worrying about the thoughts of others.

3. Prepare for an uphill battle.

If you want an easy path, don’t choose entrepreneurship.

If you want to be able to turn your brain off when the clock strikes 5pm, don’t choose entrepreneurship.

If you want to live an average life, don’t choose entrepreneurship.

Starting a business will be anything but easy. Make sure you’re prepared.

4. Never quit, never quit, never quit.

There will be hundreds of times that you’ll consider quitting. Quitting is not an option. You must have the relentlessness and durability to continue forward at any costs.

5. Prioritize.

There are a thousand things you can be doing instead of starting a business. Pick and prioritize.

Is your startup ranked number 5 on your list or number 2 on your priority list?

If it’s not near the top, you’ll have a lot of trouble being successful.

6. Manage your time efficiently.

I graduated from Dartmouth College in 2021. Whenever I’m asked about what I learned in school, my answer never has anything to do with my economics degree or any other academics. Every time, I answer “time management”.

I attended an Ivy League school, allocated 30 hours per week to ice hockey (at a Division 1 level), and started a successful logistics business all while maintaining a social life.

It’s not impossible! Limiting social media time is a great start.

7. Make mistakes quickly.

As a new entrepreneur, you’ll naturally want to carefully plan each and every aspect of your business before launch. You will not have much success this way. Your job is to move as fast as possible.

By moving fast and making mistakes, you will grow MUCH faster as opposed to intricately preparing each move you make. Get your product or service out there, then iterate.

8. Market, market, and more marketing.

You will struggle to succeed if people don’t know about your business. There’s no such thing as too much marketing. Constantly promote your offering to continually grow and get new customers.

9. Start today.

Everyone has great business ideas, but that is only 1% of the equation. The other 99% is execution. If you don’t start now, you’ll never start. What’s the point in waiting?

10. Enjoy it!

If you don’t enjoy being your own boss and everything that comes with it, that’s fine! Not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship. Embrace the battle, celebrate your wins, and don’t dwell on your losses. Entrepreneurship is an incredible journey.

For the inexperienced entrepreneur, starting a business can feel like going through a maze with a blindfold on.

That’s why I put together a resource that shares EXACTLY what to do when getting starting.

If you’re thinking about starting your own company, the Startup Toolkit will save you significant time, money, and stress.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $518,201 annual revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need.

  3. Promote your business to 1,200+ subscribers by sponsoring my newsletter.


Collin Rutherford