๐Ÿ“ˆ How to Deal With Employee Issues

Read Time: 2 Minutes | 7-16-24 Subscriber Count: 1,336

96% of executives cite "managing employees" as their biggest challenge.

As a business owner, I've dealt with A LOT of employee issues.

So I created a system for how to address employees when problems occur.

(save this Blitz to be prepared for your next employee issue)

I had an employee with a habit of being late / unreliable.

It was time to do something.

Here's how I went about it, in steps โ†“

1. Gather information

This first step was CRUCIAL.

I gathered all information for each scenario to ensure I had the whole picture.

  • Dates and times

  • Sequences of events

  • Who else was involved

If I was missing info, I'd be set up for failure.

2. Set up meeting

During our meeting, I laid out four problematic situations.

I shared the dates and explained exactly what happened in each situation.

While bringing up these situations, I could tell he was getting a little agitated with me.

3. Put them in your shoes

Then I asked what HE would do if he were in my position.

If HE had an employee with a trend of tardiness and unreliability.

He said, "I'd probably have this exact meeting."

This step is CRITICAL.

It forces them to understand WHY you're doing what you're doing.

The WHY is so important.

4. Share what happens if the behavior continues

After he understood my POV, I was straight up with him.

I said, "If this happens again, I'll have no choice but to move in another direction."

Notice I didn't say, "If you do this again, you're fired."

That would be an attack.

Instead, I phrased it in a firm but respectful way.

He completely understood and had no issue with it.

5. End the meeting in a positive way

It's easy to leave a meeting like that with a bad taste in your mouth.

Instead, I mentioned how excited we are for this upcoming season.

And that we're excited to have him leading the charge at his branch.

We both left the meeting with smiles on our faces.

These can be tough meetings.

I've done them plenty of times, and this is the best way Iโ€™ve found to handle them.

But I learned through trial and error.

The only way you'll improve as a leader is by having these tough conversations.

It's not easy, but it's crucial for success!

Whenever youโ€™re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, Iโ€™ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $1M+ revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need. 30-minute and 60-minute session available.

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Collin Rutherford

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