📈 How to Drive More Leads to Your Business

Underrated lead generation strategy...

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As a business owner, who doesn’t want more leads / customers?

What if you could:

  • Drive leads to your business

  • Network with like-minded individuals

  • Easily recruit top talent

  • Get meetings with whoever you want

  • Scale your business

  • Find business partners

  • Raise money from investors

A place like that sounds like a fairy-tale land…

But it’s not.

All of those things can be accomplished leveraging Twitter / X.

Many people think Twitter is a casual platform to get the latest news, keep up on sports, etc.

That’s true, but there’s also an incredible network of business owners.

I began posting on Twitter in June 2023.

Since then, I have:

  • Grown my account to ~10,000 followers

  • Driven countless leads to my businesses

  • Joined TRIBE (our sponsor today)

  • Met dozens of business owners

  • Built this newsletter

  • Hired top talent

All thanks to the Twitter.

Collin Rutherford’s Twitter analytics dashboard (Sep 27 - Oct 3, 2024)

Now I know what you’re thinking:

  1. I don’t have enough time to post on Twitter.

  2. It will take too long to see any results.

  3. This would be too much work for me.

All are completely valid.

And if my core business wasn’t seasonal, I wouldn’t have time either.

But I had significant down-time in the offseason, so I decided to build my brand.

(When the busy season came back around, I:

  • Created systems

  • Built a team

  • Continued driving tons of leads to my businesses

But more on this in a couple paragraphs.)

It was one of the best decisions I’d ever made.

So if you want to leverage this incredible platform, read below for a preview of my Twitter Growth Playbook (free):


If you have under 1k followers, tweet from your own account MAX twice per day. Under 1k, you get very little visibility and are essentially “posting into the abyss”.

Once you reach 1k followers, post 3x per day every single day. 

Commenting (reply-guy strategy)

  • Find, follow and INTERACT with accounts in the niche you want to target

  • Target accounts under 5k followers at first and interact with these A LOT.  Set alerts on those accounts and interact with them. 

  • 30 comments a day (at least) on other accounts

Here’s what happens when you engage:

  1. People see your content → people visit your profile → people follow your account

  2. The Law of Reciprocity kicks in

    1. When you engage with others, they’re more likely to engage with you.

    2. More engagements on your posts leads to the algorithm boosting your content.

It’s crucial to add value in every comment. If you are commenting one word, no one is going to follow you.

Direct Messages (DMs)

This is where the magic happens. Pick five people per day and send them a message. Don't ask for anything, just compliment them or be useful. The conversations will naturally flow from there.

Here’s my 3-step DM strategy: 

  1. IDENTIFY the people you want to connect with.

    1. Find people in your feed. Visit their profile, learn about them, and follow them.

  2. ENGAGE with their posts.

    1. It’s not enough to reply “great post” a million times. Add value, ask questions, and spark conversation.


    1. After a while, slide into their DMs complimenting their content. THEN ask to hop on a call to chat and connect.

(Please do not copy and paste the same cold DM a million times)

If you want more tips, check out the full Twitter Growth Playbook for free.

Earlier I mentioned how I didn’t have enough time to stay on top of things.

So I did what I do best… created systems, automations, and built a team for my personal social media management.

And it’s been working better and faster than ever before.

Then something interesting happened…

I had friends asking about my systems, automations, and team.

After I shared how it works, they loved it and wanted to use it themselves.

Which is why I launched a content agency helping other B2B founders leverage the machine I built for myself.

So if want to use Twitter to drive more leads to your business, we can help.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Hire me as a consultant to take your business to the next level.

  2. Offshore Hiring Guide: Learn how to hire inexpensive ($6 / hour) offshore talent in 3 weeks or less.

  3. Promote your business to 1,800+ subscribers by sponsoring my newsletter.

  4. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $1.5M+ revenue.


Collin Rutherford

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