Your Business' Name is Crucial. Here are Some Tips.

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The name of your business is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in the early days of your company.

Here’s the story of how I named my business, Greenbox Storage:

I was a junior at Dartmouth College at the time of inception. Dartmouth’s mascot is “Big Green”. What does my company do? We store boxes. That was all I needed. Greenbox Storage!

My thought process wasn’t exactly rocket science. If I had to do it over again, I’d use the following tips:

Tips for Naming Your Business

Reflect Your Brand Identity

Your business name should convey what your business is about and the values it represents.

Is your company a casual / fun brand? Your name should convey that. Is your company one that must convey trustworthiness? You name should convey that.


Ensure that your business name is not too similar to existing businesses, especially in your industry and geographic area. A unique name makes it easier for customers to find you.

With Greenbox Storage, I’ll have an everlasting battle with Greenbox Self Storage, a self storage company based in Denver, CO.

They’ve gotten leads that were looking for me. I’ve gotten poor reviews on my Google profile meant for them. It’s not an ideal situation and could have been avoided with prior research.

Ease of Pronunciation and Spelling

Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and spell. This makes it more memorable and accessible to a wider audience.

Consider the Future

Think long-term. Will your business name still be relevant and appropriate as your business grows and evolves? This is tough to foresee, but important to consider.

Check Domain Availability

In the digital age, securing a domain name that matches your business name is crucial. Check the availability of a domain name before finalizing your business name.

With Greenbox Storage, I didn’t realize that .com was unavailable. This led me to purchasing Not having .com isn’t the end of the world, but it is the preferred option.


A memorable business name is more likely to stick in customers' minds. Avoid overly complex or lengthy names.

Consider Your Target Audience

Think about your target customers and their preferences. A business name should resonate with your ideal audience. If your target market is college students, you might pick a different name than if your target market is retirees.

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $511,782 annual revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need.


Collin Rutherford