"Never Mistake Activity for Achievement"

Read Time: 2 Minutes | 1-16-24 Subscriber Count: 258

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"Never Mistake Activity for Achievement.” - John Wooden

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Not only is it important in sports (John Wooden was a basketball coach), but it’s also important in business and in life.

So many people simply go through the motions. They think showing up is good enough. These people struggle to have real success in life.

Working hard is worthless if you’re doing the wrong things. Think about this hypothetical.

Digging ditches is HARD WORK. People that dig ditches may work harder than anyone else.

But the person that invents a machine to dig ditches, the person that works smart and actually achieves significant results is the person that moves up, makes more money, and has a better life.

So how to do you know which decisions will yield major results in your business? Frankly, it takes some trial and error. There is no way to truly know until you take action.

However, to have the opportunity to transform your business, you must:

  1. Zoom Out

  2. Think!

Zoom Out

I love this concept. It’s so easy to to spend time working in your business, not on your business. At the beginning, you are down in the weeds, conducting the operations of your business. As soon as you get out of the weeds, you give yourself the opportunity to scale your business meaningfully.


Once you zoom out, you must start brainstorming projects / iterations that will have a major impact on your company. You can analyze your business from a high level and determine which levers to pull. It’s at this point where massive strides can be made in your business.

So after you Zoom Out and Think!, you have the opportunity to get the results you’re looking for.

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $518,200.77 annual revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need.


Collin Rutherford