📈 5 Tips for Your Startup's Website

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Creating a website is a crucial first step for anyone starting a business. Here are some tips for how to create a website for your startup.

Determine which platform to use

There are a lot of website builders out there that make it easy to create a website. I’ve used Squarespace and Shopify the most. Some other popular platforms include Wix, Wordpress, and Webflow. My personal favorite is Squarespace because I find the user interface very easy to work with.

Find 2-3 websites that you like and use them for inspiration

It’s tough to build a website from scratch. To expedite the creative process, find up to three other website that you really like.

Maybe you like the About section on one site, the Home page on another, and the Pricing page on the third.

Use those sections as inspiration for the website you’re creating. Feel free to use either of my websites as inspiration if you’d like: greenboxstorage.org and CollinRutherford.com

Reduce wording as much as possible

Its tempting to write and write about the value you provide to clients. Keep in mind that human attention spans are incredibly short, especially for a new website visitor.

Less is more. Be short and to the point. No one wants to read a long paragraph about the ins and outs of your business. Be compelling in as few words as possible.

Include a lot of CTAs 

Calls to Action (CTAs) are crucial parts of your website. It should be very easy for a lead to place an order.

Don’t make your website visitors search to try and figure out how to place an order. Create “Order Now” buttons all over your website!

Constantly iterate and improve

Your website is never fully complete. You’ll always be tinkering, adjusting, adding, and removing. This is an important part of increasing your conversion rate.

Always look at other websites with an entrepreneurial mindset. Do they have something you like? Retrofit their design to make sense on your website.

If you’re looking for more website tips or other startup tips in general, check out the Startup Toolkit!

Whenever you’re ready, there are two ways I can help you:

  1. The Startup Toolkit: This comprehensive course provides you step-by-step directions for how to launch and grow your startup. Through trial and error, I’ve developed these methods to grow my startup to $518,201 annual revenue.

  2. 1-on-1 Startup Consulting: Serious about launching / growing your startup? Get the personalized help you need.


Collin Rutherford